Rainbow Juice Trio

Photography by Elisa Watson.

Photography by Elisa Watson.

In Melbourne it was like a switch turned from beautiful sunny weather to blustery, rainy and freezing cold winter weather. Those of you down under will know that Melbourne has notoriously bad winters where it is far from being a beautiful snowy wonderland like Europe and North America but instead we more so get rain sleeting in your face thanks to high gust winds. This year it took no time for so many of my friends, family, colleagues and even myself to come down with a nasty flu or cold. As soon as you hear the sniffles happening in the office or see those watery eyes appear you just know you're in the danger zone! To help give my body some extra quick nutrients I pulled out the juicer and started throwing in one-two juices per day alongside my normal meals. 

Today I thought I would share a few of my new favourite juice recipes which have been getting a workout in my kitchen which I hope you will enjoy making in yours too!

Spicey Green Juice

Serves: 2 | Prep time: 5 minutes 

1 green apple
1 green chilli
4 kale leaves
2 sticks celery
1 lemon
1 cucumber
1/4 iceberg lettuce
handful mint

Chop all ingredients and feed through your juicer. Pour into glasses over ice and enjoy!


Orange inflammation fighting juice

Serves: 2 | Prep time: 5 minutes 

3 carrots
3 oranges
1/4 pineapple
1 finger turmeric
2" piece fresh ginger

Chop all ingredients and feed through your juicer. Pour into glasses over ice and enjoy!


Purple roots juice

Serves: 2 | Prep time: 5 minutes 

2 carrots
1 beetroot
4 red cabbage leaves
1 lemon
1 green apple
1 cucumber
1" piece fresh ginger

Chop all ingredients and feed through your juicer. Pour into glasses over ice and enjoy!